dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" class="no-ie no-js"> Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Fitness | Bootcamp Chennai
Breakfast ideas

Can’t think of any healthy breakfast ideas? We’re here to help! If you ask us what is that one thing that you must, MUST do in you want to be fit, we’re say, ‘Just have your breakfast’. Trust us when we say this, if you do not have a good amount of nutrients for breakfast, you might as well not bother eating clean or exercising at all. Yes, breakfast is that important. We’re all for the dieting and all that but eating less than what your body needs is a huge mistake. Why? The main reason why you need breakfast is that it kicks off your day. It gives you the energy you need for the entire day. It is what decides how active, lethargic or stressed you are going to be for the rest of the day. Besides, it is the first meal of the day, after a long night’s sleep. Your body needs food after a minimum of 6 hours of sleep.

Yes, we’re busy, we’re stressed and we’re pressed for time, so it is a temptation to skip breakfast. But it will have adverse, disastrous effects on your body in the long run. First thing you need to remember is your breakfast should have significant amount of proteins, because they help you produce new cells in your body. And it is really, really important for you to keep that process going. So we at Bootcamp Chennai have been making a point of eating healthy and this is what we’ve cooked up so far:

  1. Scrambled Eggs: Eggs are a great source of protein. Eggs can be made in various methods, according to your preferences. There are infinite numbers of add-on options such as boiled chicken, vegetables, feta, mixed herbs etc. Although, you might want to eat some slices of bread or drink some beverage along with it if eggs alone doesn’t suffice.
  2. Chicken Sandwich: What? In the morning? Is that even healthy? Yes it is, when you do it the healthy way. Use whole wheat bread. Boil some chicken with salt and pepper. Add in all your raw veggies. Crush some mint leaves and garnish with some herbs. You have yourself a very delicious healthy sandwich.
  3. Oats: Oh normal oats can get so boring. So, why don’t you indianize it? Make oats idlis, oats dosas or even oats upma. Watch out for the oil though. You might not want to use too much of that.
  4. Healthy Pancakes: You can make delicious pancakes that are also healthy. You just need to avoid too much sugar or oil. You can even use an alternative to all-purpose flour.
  5. Avocado and Chicken Sandwich: Avocadoes are amazing! They’re great for weight loss as well. Mix avocadoes, boiled chicken, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, boiled corn and feta cheese. Add in some olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Garnish with herbs, mint leaves and coriander. Vegetarians can substitute chicken with paneer or tofu. And there you go! You have yourself a great, healthy breakfast.

Breakfast is all about eating healthy. You can make improvisations to suit your lifestyle. But at the end of the day, it is about making the right choice of foods that will enter your body. Be smart and kick start your day with some goodness! So go ahead and try some of these healthy breakfast ideas!

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