dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#" class="no-ie no-js"> August, 2015 | Bootcamp Chennai

Abdominal bloating might be a lot sneakier than you know. Its occurrence is not restricted to a holiday feast or a heavy meal. Simple daily activities can cause bloating and…

Shedding the fat around your abdominal region can be rather difficult. People of all age groups complain of having belly fat. It is very common especially in women. Belly fat…

Snacking is a serious weakness everyone indulges in, by default. But snacking is not something you can just take for granted. It can have some serious consequences. It can have…

Attention all you Chennai people! Check out this weight loss diet plan that actually works! Bootcamp Chennai has been devising just the right kind of diet plan for people in…

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